Hello. If you have clicked on this it is because you want to play a dating simulator where you have the opportunity to date Miltank.

Of those things, I have one, and it is called Miltank Dating Simulator.

If you choose to play this dating simulator you will experience a simulated date with Miltank. You will see many things that lesser men consider terrifying and greater women consider normal.

I warn you, do not attempt to play this game without a full belly of soda, because otherwise you may seriously regret your decision.

This is Miltank Dating Simulator, and I hope that you enjoy it.

In all seriousness, this game was made in a weekend as a way to relax. I had fun making it, and I hope you have some fun playing it.

Updated 27 days ago
Published 28 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, Android, HTML5
GenreVisual Novel
TagsComedy, Cute, Dating Sim, Fangame, Fantasy, Furry, Horror, Indie, Romance, Short


MiltankDatingSimulator-1.0-mac.zip 246 MB
MiltankDatingSimulator-1.0-pc.zip 251 MB
m.ds-1.0-1716256311-release.apk 258 MB

Development log


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I chose "pokemon" first. I was very utterly confused. Then I chose "human." I was confused but less so. Thank you. Goodbye.


You're a ghost.