Short Parody VN / Pet Foxes 3?

This was a fun and short little project that I made as a tribute to the legendary Miltank used by Whitney in Pokemon Gold/Silver. I had a good time making it, and I sincerely hope that people enjoy playing it, even though it is quite short.

Anyways, Pet Foxes seems to be getting a lot of downloads recently, which is cool and made me think "Enough time has passed, I should finish the trilogy with Pet Foxes 3."

So, if you're a fan of Pet Foxes, be prepared for Pet Foxes 3, because it will end the series pretty conclusively (if I stick to my plan, at least) and will hopefully be a pretty fun time.

As for this game, well, it started out as a sequel to Pokemon Babysitter, but I decided that I didn't want to do another Pokemon Babysitter yet, so, right now I'm just working on Robot Kitty City and tomorrow or the day after I will likely start working on Pet Foxes 3: Dark Against Dark (working title).

With Love


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