Vaporeon And Gardevoir Are In This Update

Hello. This update was made during a very difficult time in my life, but I pushed through my stress to put out a pretty substantial (by my standards, anyways) update that nearly doubles the amount of images, bring the total up to nearly 400. I would ask for some financial donations to help me out because I am struggling at the moment, but I know my fans, and I don't expect them to donate anything to me.

Anyways, this update features Gardevoir, Vaporeon, and Jirachi. It is more comedic than previous updates mainly because of Jirachi. I hope that the downloads for this have no issues because I sent a message to Itch about my new projects being quarantined, which made me paranoid that my projects had viruses in them so I did multiple scans and found nothing, which makes me think that Itch were either being negligent or spiteful. I haven't been given an explanation and I know I won't be given one. In any case, the damage has been done.

This devlog might seem a little bitter because, like I said, I am struggling badly right now in ways that I don't feel comfortable sharing. I am in need of support but it doesn't look like I will get it. It's mainly through a series of bad luck and unfortunate events that I am in a bad situation which really sucks.

But, the silver lining is that I can still produce visual novels and games. I can make things that people like and more than that, I have the courage to make things that people apparently hate enough to screw me over on Itch to prevent others from engaging with, and after some soul=searching I think that is something to be proud of.

Anyways, enjoy this update, I hope it makes you laugh and puts a smile on your face.

With Love,


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