Pushing Through A Shadowban

Being a guy with schizophrenia I find myself in situations where I need to take a breathe and understand that the world is absolutely full of conspiracies, but that that those conspiracies usually don't affect me in the way that I think they do. For this project, I feel like I am the victim of a conspiracy in that this particular project is being shadowbanned.

It clearly has the potential to at least be more popular than it currently is, and the data doesn't seem to be adding up. Like, if the project is getting 0 hits, how are people adding it to collections? Why can't I see the CTR on the analytics? Why did it have such a steep drop-off within less than 2 hours of being released, basically going from 600 hits to 5?

The thing about Itch is that they do genuinely care about certain developers, but a developer like me doesn't get the same benefits as other developers do, meaning that if I sent a complaint or even just asked for answers they wouldn't respond, which sucks since I have been developing stuff for this site for literally years at this point.

To add to those frustrations, TentaclesGames reached out to me regarding putting my games on their site, but so far all it has gotten me is my stuff receiving 1-star reviews. The funny thing is that none of this has made me upset or sad as much as it has made me feel apathetic. In the past I would have been more angry or sad but now I'm like "Whatever. It is what it is."

I have been wondering if I should look into other options for producing projects because I don't feel much passion for making my stuff at the moment.  In the summer when I have more money, the weather is nice, and there are events I can go to I'll likely be more motivated but right now it really is a struggle to get myself out of bed on my days off and make stuff.

It just kinda sucks that Adore The Doll is probably my most popular current project while A Wolf Dreams Of Love is probably the project I put the most love, care, and effort into, and the reward I got for it is to have every comment I made on the project downvoted and to get multiple 1-star reviews.

As for this project, I'll continue it but I'm not feeling too motivated to get updates out quickly. This one features some weird butt stuff and a little bit of sucking. Hope you have some fun with it.


LovePokemon-0.2-mac.zip 297 MB
48 days ago
LovePokemon-0.2-pc.zip 302 MB
48 days ago
LovePokemon-0.2-web.zip 309 MB
48 days ago
lt.lap-0.2-1736822305-release.apk 309 MB
48 days ago

Get Learning To Love A Pokemon

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