Abandoned Lion King Idea

This thing was a ride and I'm not totally sure it was worth the hassle. Basically, I got really sick one day thinking about how much hate (I wish it was hate, more like apathy or passive-dislike) my games get due to my style being mainly kinetic visual novels instead of what people claim they want, which is visual novels that have more interactivity.
Interactivity is fine, of course, it's just that I tend to dislike those kinds of visual novels because a lot of the times in the NSFW scenes it results in very boring visual novels since it feels like you're either spending a ridiculous amount of time going step-by-step to getting into a character's pants (first you talk to them, then you touch them, then you kiss them, then you grope them, then you get a blowie, etc.) or you just jump into sleeping with them with minimal effort. So, I created my style under the assumptions that people playing through my projects are looking for a shorter experience similar to what we like to imagine 70s-era adult videos are, which is cheesy and surreal experiences where the story is thin ("You ordered a pizza, but can't pay. We can arrange another form of payment.") and the films are structured similarly because they all end with lewd activities being performed, with the films mainly competing for your attention based mainly on their concept.
That's fine, and it has brought me some success, but what I dislike is that in the modern-era the concepts that adult games are competing on are just boring to me, focusing mainly on established IPs like My Little Pony, Teen Titans, Pokemon, or specifically on certain fetishes, which I find to be incredibly boring. I've made no secret of the fact that I don't really play other adult games anymore because I'm just not interested in the new adult games being released, and often when I find one that I do like that interests me the spelling/grammar is atrocious, and the game is usually unfinished without the intention of ever being finished.
But, from time to time I'll make a project with more interactivity and almost every time, despite it being what people claim to want, the projects with more interactivity rarely perform as well as my kinetic visual novels that people apparently dislike. If Werewolf Labyrinth School, Master Of Dragons, and this project performed well I'd make more stuff like them, but the analytics keep telling me that people claim they want stuff like Werewolf Labyrinth School, but what they actually want is Pet Foxes and Adore The Doll.
If you know anything about marketing this is similar to a concept in marketing relating to black coffee, which is that what people will tell you they want is whatever they think will make them look best, like saying what they want is the bitter taste of black coffee when what the person actually want is coffee flavoured with cream and sugar. Though, I guess a better example is that people will claim that they want to drink coffee brewed at a quaint little cafe owned by a local business owner that gives some of their profit to charity and only buys local and fresh ingredients and don't want to buy from Starbucks because Starbucks is an evil company that makes crappy over-processed coffee, but the data clearly shows that the majority of people purchase crappy over-processed coffee drinks from Starbucks, not supposedly better-quality coffee from local mom and pop cafes.
I guess I just like to test out this idea by releasing stuff like this every once in a while and so far, after looking at a day's analytics, the results are pretty dire. It's clear that this is receiving clicks, but the engagement is lower than with other projects, the downloads are very low (even when my stuff was quarantined due to a mistake by Itch the downloads were a little higher) and it's only been added to 2 collections.
So, the data is showing that people clearly don't want this, but behind-the-scenes people are going to tell me that they do. I'm going to hear about how people don't want Adore The Doll, they want something more interactivity filled with choices and consequences, but when I show them stuff like this they'll be like "We want more interactivity that isn't that," which is frustrating.
The funny thing is that this project actually started because I wrote a Lion King screenplay that I planned to adapt into an adult game, but after thinking about it for a while I decided "No, instead of making another kinetic visual novel, I'll do what people are always asking for and more something with more interactivity and choices," but in hindsight, I probably should have just made the Lion King project.
So, to test the waters on that a little, I've decided to post the unfinished rough draft of the script I was working on for that project here. Enjoy!
Lions In Love
Episode 1: Roads
Written by
Int. Vitani’s Bedroom - Day
Camera focuses on a dresser with a uniform for a fast food restaurant (Prideland Tacos) and a hat on top of it then pans to the bed beside it where Vitani, a college-aged lioness, is sleeping. An alarm is heard and Vitani opens her eyes. She scowls before she hits her alarm clock hard, then swipes it off of the dresser where it lands on the floor. She sits up in bed, revealing her naked body which is covered with scars from Zira’s claws.
One more day in paradise.
Vitani stands up and grabs her uniform and hat. She dresses herself quickly then looks into her bedroom mirror, which has large cracks throughout. The door to her room opens and Kovu, Vitani’s twin brother, walks into the room.
Hey, Mommy wanted me to tell you that breakfast is ready. She made your favourite breakfast, scrambled eggs with sausages.
Vitani turns to face him and glares.
That’s your favourite breakfast, not mine, and don’t call her Mommy, it’s embarrassing.
Why is it embarrassing to call her Mommy?
You’re almost nineteen. You’re not a cute little boy anymore.
Mommy said that I’ll always be her little prince.
Yes, that means you get to do whatever you want, and I need to follow orders. Tell Mommy I’ll be down soon.
You called her Mommy.
I was being sarcastic. Go eat your sausages and eggs before they get cold, I’ll be down soon.
Kovu smiles at Vitani. He turns around and happily skips through the hallway. Vitani growls and walks towards her bedroom door.
Int. Zira’s Upstairs Hallway - Day
Vitani walks through the hallways towards the stairs. The door to Nuka’s room opens and Nuka, Vitani’s older brother, emerges wearing only his underwear. When he emerges he seems confident and smug, but he deflates when he sees Vitani glaring at him.
I didn’t expect to see you.
Who did you expect to see? Zira, or Kovu?
The little termite. I like the way he looks at me.
If Zira saw you she wouldn’t be happy.
There’s still room on my body for more scars. I’m not you.
You’re right. You’re clearly not me.
If you were smart enough to be nice to Mom and Kovu, you might be the one babysitting him instead of going to work.
I have no interest in bathing the prince.
Vitani walks down the hallway and gets to the stairs. Nuka stares at her as she walks down the stairs, then he shakes his head and walks back into his room.
Int. Zira’s Kitchen - Day
Zira and Kovu are sitting at the kitchen table. There is a plate of sausages and eggs in front of both of them, and an empty seat with a plate of sausages and eggs in front of it. Zira looks at Kovu fondly, then looks at his meal.
You can eat now, Sweetie, we don’t need to wait for your sister.
I don’t want to eat without her.
Zira frowns for a moment, then she leans in and kisses Kovu on his forehead.
I wish that your sister cared about you as much as you care about her.
She does care, she just doesn’t like to show it.
Vitani walks into the kitchen. Zira looks at her and scowls, then she points to Vitani’s plate.
You’re late for breakfast.
Vitani rolls her eyes and walks towards her seat.
There’s some space on my butt that doesn’t have a scar, yet.
Vitani sits down and Zira glares menacingly at her. Kovu smiles brightly at Vitani.
I asked Mommy to make this for you today. You seem sadder than usual and I thought that this would make you feel better. Sausages make me smile, and I thought that maybe they would make you smile.
That’s nice. For a moment I thought that Zira had decided to do something nice for me like a normal mother, but she just did it to please her little prince.
Kovu is concerned about you, and I am as well. We all have roles to play and I am concerned that you are not ready to fulfill your role as effectively as Nuka and Kovu.
Vitani growls. She raises her paw and tries to strike Zira, but Zira captures her paw before it makes contact with her face.
You’re not fast enough to strike me after all of these years, and not strong enough to leave a scar. You need to be stronger, faster, and smarter to protect Kovu.
You seem capable of protecting him. Why do I need to sacrifice my life for him?
Scar trained me to be Kovu’s protector, and I’ve spent your entire life training you to take my place.
I never asked for that.
You can leave whenever you want.
No, I can’t.
Zira releases Vitani’s paw, and Vitani analyses her wrist, looking at the damage done by Zira’s grip. She looks at Kovu who looks like he is about to cry and has not touched his food. Vitani sighs, then uses her fork to grab a sausage.
I’m sorry for upsetting you, Kovu. Thank you for trying to cheer me up. It’s nice to know that someone cares about me.
Vitani bites into the sausage and chews it. She reluctantly smiles and Kovu grins widely at her before he eats his own meal. Zira nods approvingly at Vitani before she also begins eating.
Ext. Mall Parking Lot - Day
A limo drives into the parking lot of Pridelands Mall. It parks in a large empty spot that has a sign explaining that it is reserved for the royal family. Once it has parked, the doors on both sides of the front open up, and Timon and Pumbaa (two servants for King Simba) step out of the vehicle.
Let the princess out of the vehicle, Pumbaa.
But Timon, I opened the door for her last time!
You’re closer, Pumbaa.
That’s not the point!
Look, Pumbaa, we’ll compromise. You’ll open the limo door now, and I’ll open the door to the mall for her.
It’s an automatic door, you know that!
Timon smiles warmly at Pumbaa.
I don’t want to fight with you, Pumbaa. You know that I love you so much and I hate seeing you be upset.
Timon hugs Pumbaa, and Pumbaa hesitates for a moment before wrapping his arms around him and squeezing him tightly.
I’m sorry I yelled at you. But, you always do this and it makes me feel bad. We’re supposed to be partners and share the work.
We are partners, Pumbaa, and we shouldn’t fight. Let’s just forget that this happened, and we’ll work together to open this door for the princess.
What will you do?
I’ll do the hardest job and supervise.
Thank you, Timon. You’re a good partner.
You deserve the best, Pumbaa.
Pumbaa opens the door with a smile on his face while Timon watches. Timon seems horrified when he looks into the car and sees that no one is inside.
I can’t believe that you lost the princess! We are supposed to supervise her!
But, Timon, you said that you would supervise.
I meant that I would supervise you while you supervised her!
I guess we both messed up.
This never would have happened if you supervised her properly.
You should have supervised me supervising her.
Enough! You’re making my head hurt.
Would you feel better if I gave you a massage?
Not now, Pumbaa. Princess first, massage second.
I think it would be inappropriate to give her a massage.
Argh. You’re lucky that you’re cute. Let’s find the princess before her father finds out that we lost her again and eats us.
He wouldn’t eat us. He loves us too much.
He loves his daughter far more than he loves us.
Timon and Pumbaa walk away to search for Kiara. When they are gone, Kiara emerges from a bush near the limo wearing a hoodie that covers her hair and a pair of dark sunglasses with pink frames. She smiles as she watches the two walk towards the mall, then she walks towards the mall. She sees a group of friends talking and laughing with each other. She smiles and is unaware of her surroundings as she looks at them, then she bumps into Vitani who is walkng towards the mall. The two of them fall onto the ground.
Owww! What the heck is wrong with you?
I’m sorry! I was distracted and I didn’t mean to hurt you.
Kiara looks at Vitani and sees that she has a large cut on her face that is still bleeding.
Oh no! I’m so sorry that I hurt you. It was an accident.
Vitani shakes her head and prepares to stand up, but Kiara stops her. Kiara grabs her head, pulls her closer to her, then she kisses her forehead at the base of the cut. Vitani gasps and tries to recoil, but Kiara holds her tightly.
What the fuck is wrong with you?!
I hurt you, it’s only fair that I make you feel better. This is what Mommy said a lion does when another lion is hurt, they kiss it and make it better.
Yeah, well, my ‘mommy’ is the one that hurt me.
Why would any mommy do that to their own daughter?
I don’t feel comfortable explaining the story of my crappy life to a stranger.
(Skipping ahead a little)
Int. Mall Bathroom - Day
Vitani is sitting a bathroom stall crying. A knock is heard and Vitani growls without looking up.
Leave me alone.
Kiara (Outside stall)
I just want to help. I won’t leave until I know that you’re okay. Please, stop crying.
You don’t know me, and you can’t help me. No one can.
Kiara crawls under the stall door into the stall. Vitani sees her and glares at her, then she turns away from her. Kiara stands up and studies Vitani.
I know that you’re hurting. I don’t know why, but, I know that when I feel bad it helps to talk about it.
Talking might help you, Princess, but it won’t help me.
How do you know that if you haven’t tried.
Vitani turns to face Kiara and coldly glares at her.
I did try. It isn’t a secret what Zira does to me. Everyone at school knows. The teachers know, the police know, everyone knows, but they don’t do anything.
Why don’t you live somewhere else?
That isn’t an option.
Why isn’t it an option?
She’ll hurt my brothers if I’m not there. They need me to be a target so that they can be safe. They aren’t strong enough to walk around every day with these scars.
I think that I understand.
You don’t understand. You can’t understand how I feel. You’re a pampered princess who has never even had a hangnail. How could you understand how it feels to have your skin ripped apart every single day by your own mother?
Vitani curls herself on the toilet and continues sobbing. Kiara leans down and hugs her. Vitani tries to resist but Kiara’s grip is too tight.
I know what it’s like to feel trapped, and I know what it’s like to feel sad. I know that whenever I feel sad, a hug from someone who cares makes me feel better.
You don’t know me, and you don’t care about me. You can’t possibly know my pain because you’ll never experience anything like it. You’re a princess, and I’m… I’m not…
Vitani pushes Kiara away from her, and Kiara’s body goes through the stall door, landing hard on the floor. Vitani sees Kiara fall and her eyes widen. Kiara begins to cry, and Vitani runs to her. She kneels down and cradles her.
I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was upset and-
Kiara wraps her arms around Vitani and hugs her. Vitani’s eyes widen, but she squeezes Kiara tightly and buries her face in her neck.
It’s alright. I forgive you.
I hurt you. I hurt everyone. I’ll hurt you if you stay with me, just like Zira hurt me. I’ll make you as ugly as I am.
Kiara frowns. She releases Vitani from her embrace, and pushes her onto the floor. She crawls on top of Vitani, and her head moves close to Vitani’s face. She stares into Vitani’s eyes, and Vitani’s turns her head to look away.
I want you to take off your shirt.
Vitani What did you just say?
Take off your shirt. I want to see your scars.
Vitani whimpers, but she nods her head, then she removes her shirt while Kiara watches. She tosses it aside as Kiara stares at her exposed chest, which is covered with scars.
Zira made me disgusting and ugly. Every time she got angry and gave me a new scar she made me a little more grotesque. No one can love a vile creature like me when they see who I really am.
Kiara looks at a particularly long scar on Vitani’s belly. She traces it with her finger.
You are not your scars. You are what is beneath the scars.
Kiara leans in so that her face is nearly touching Vitani’s face.
You are beautiful.
Kiara kisses Vitani. Vitani’s eyes widen, then her eyes close as she enjoys the kiss. She wraps her arms around Kiara and pulls her closer to her as the kiss becomes more passionate. The kiss ends and Kiara pulls away. Kiara stares at Vitani lovingly while Vitani seems to be feeling a mix of joy and anxiety.
Why are you doing this?
What do you mean?
You know what I mean. Why is a pretty lion like you so eager to kiss me and fondle my scars?
I’m used to getting what I want, and I want you.
I’m not a toy, princess.
If you aren’t a toy, why are you so fun to play with?
The door to the bathroom opens. Timon and Pumbaa walk into the bathroom with Pumbaa covering his eyes.
Is she here, Timon?
You don’t need to keep your eyes closed. Any girl in here would understand that we’re only in here because of royal business.
A bathroom should be a safe place for women. No man should ever enter a woman’s space without their consent.
You’re right about that, pal. I should have asked for consent before I walked in here.
Timon looks at Vitani and Kiara, then he immediately blushes and looks away.
Oh, I’m so sorry, ladies. I didn’t realise that you two were, erm, having a playdate in this public space. Me and my associate didn’t mean to disturb your fun, we’re just looking for Princess Kiara. Is there any chance that you two have seen her?
Kiara’s face is flush with embarrassment, and Vitani growls.
I’ve never seen Princess Kiara in my life. Why would a princess want anything to do with someone like me?
Hey, don’t be upset. You’ve got a perfectly good girlfriend on top of you that looks almost exactly like… PRINCESS KIARA!!
Timon runs to Kiara. He immediately begins analysing her, looking for signs of injury. He sees a bruise from where she landed on the floor after being pushed by Vitani.
Oh, you poor princess! How did you injure yourself? Were you playing too rough with your concubine?
Vitani (Growling)
Don’t be embarrassed, Kiara, you’re a princess at that special age where you start getting interested in concubines.
I am not her concubine.
Timon, she’s my girlfriend.
I am not your girlfriend, I don’t even know you! We haven’t even gone on a date and you’re calling me your girlfriend!
Is this not a date?
No, it’s not. Take me to dinner and movie like a normal girl instead of claiming me as your own.
Well, would you-
You didn’t let me finish.
I’m not going to go on a date with you.
Vitani pushes Kiara off of her. She grabs her shirt and walks out of the bathroom, fuming. Kiara sees her leave and she begins crying. Timon walks up to her and attempts to comfort her.
Are you okay? Did she hurt you?
No, I’m not okay. She broke my heart.
I’m sorry.
You should be. My girlfriend broke up with me because of you.
Didn’t she say that she wasn’t your girlfriend?
Yes, she broke up with me.
That’s not what I heard her say.
Pumbaa, you’re not helping. Kiara is the one that matters now, not whoever that girl was.
That girl was my girlfriend, and she broke up with me because of you two. I want her back.
We have a whole room of girlfriends for you at the castle. They’ve all been with your father, but, we can find you a virgin. We can give you anyone you want.
I want her.
We’ll get her, just calm down.
I won’t calm down! I’m in love and you scared her away. I told you that I want her back, and I don’t want anyone else.
Kiara, please, stop acting like a spoiled princess.
Timon gasps and covers his mouth dramatically. Kiara glares at him, then she growls.
I am a princess. Everyone treats me like a princess. Everyone spoils me rotten by giving me anything that I walk, everyone wants something from me, and I have to disguise myself just to act normal for a while.
I don’t think normal lions kiss lions they just met in a mall bathroom.
Exactly my point! I don’t know how to be normal. But, that lion is different, and exciting. You can give me every concubine in this kingdom and fill a room with women, but now of them will be her, and she’s the only one that I want.
Kiara wipes tears from her face, then she looks at Timon.
I want her, and only her.
The door to the bathroom opens. An older lioness (Nala) walks in wearing sunglasses and a hood covering the top of her head. She looks at the group.
Nala (Disguising her voice)
(This is where I stopped writing and started working on this project)
So, what's this project about? Well, it's about a girl who's in love with a boy who has a girlfriend and she wants to be with him instead. It's like a nightmare version of You Belong With Me, which basically means that it is a slightly more uplifting version of Treat You Better, I guess. If you made it this far, I hope you were entertained a little bit and your night is a little better than it was before.
The next Learning To Love A Pokemon update will likely be the next thing that I work on.
With Love,
Get The Week She Tried To Live (Demo)
The Week She Tried To Live (Demo)
A cute goth girl only has one week to live.
Status | In development |
Author | Weird420XL |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Tags | 2D, Adult, Anime, Comedy, Eroge, Erotic, Horror, Ren'Py, Romance, Story Rich |
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Google translate is your friend. I used it for your comment.
I think it's standard on Android phones now. I also use it as a Chrome extension.
Basically, I was going to make a kinetic visual novel about The Lion King, but people kept saying that I should make a more interactive porn game. So, I did that instead, and people aren't playing it, which is annoying.
It's frustrating because people will tell you what they think makes them look the best, not what they actually want. They'll say they hate McDonald's and want to eat at local mom and pop restaurants or cook for themselves at home, but they'll eat at McDonald's.
I guess if you want to be successful you have to accept that most people want cynically-produced cheap trash that treats them like idiots, but they'll tell you that they want high-quality stuff made with love that respects their intelligence.
"However I like to expose my ideas. Sometimes praised. Sometimes hated but there it is."
I feel like that statement implies that what you want is validation and acknowledgement in either a positive or negative direction. Anger is an energy, and positivity is encouraging. Most people think that when they release a project anywhere they'll either get hate or positive feedback, so they brace themselves to accept both.
What people don't think about is, well, nothing happening at all, not getting any comments at all on the project, and if they do think about that, they think "Well, how can nothing affect me mentally?"
I mean, that kinda hurts more than anything else. It's not that people 'hate' my stuff or like them, so "you can't expect that by developing a product everyone will like it, it is possible that some of them will leave, but that can also attract more people," isn't the reality. The 'hate' that I get is mostly just passive-aggressiveness that all developers have to deal with unless they're in positions of actual influence, which is similar to what you likely see at work, where everyone has an idea on how to do their jobs and are at least somewhat judgmental of how the people they work with do their jobs, but likely won't outright say it, like "Oh, that's how you write your code, huh? I do it differently because I think it's easier and better, but, you do what works for you, buddy," and not "Your code sucks, and you smell bad. Get the f*ck out of this building right now and shower."
I mean, you read my concerns and you haven't said anything about the actual project it's attached to. You don't even know if it's good or bad, and the advice you're giving is very generic "Believe in yourself, and live your best life," which is, honestly, completely useless. It's just empty platitudes that you're likely just saying to make yourself feel good if you're not going to back it up with something that actually applies to the project. Like, if you said something about how I could improve the presentation to make it more appealing to people, or gave me a name of someone that enjoys signal-boosting small-time p*rn games, that would be infinitely more meaningful, validating, and beneficial than a platitude. I'm not a 19-year-old publishing for the first time here, I've been publishing consistently here for 4 years and I'm feeling very burnt-out because it doesn't feel like it has resulted in any appreciation from the site, which Itch demonstrated by screwing me over for months and not even apologizing for doing so.
That's what bothers me, and the point of this post. It's all just pointless if I'm getting nothing meaningful from this site and the userbase except watching my follower count go up. No meaningful discussions, no possibility of turning this into a career, I get nothing from it, and it feels like when people say "Dude, don't worry about what people say, just do what you want to do," what they actually mean is "Hey, uh, you should do all the work to make yourself feel like what you're doing is meaningful, and also do the work to make yourself feel validated, because I don't want to, unless it benefits me in some way."
you should not care for fucking algorithyms youtube teaches you that the algorithim most of the time is wrong
do just do what you want to do
and i really liked the vitani story hope some day you make it a game too
Thanks for the comment, I appreciate it.
Maybe I'll finish the Vitani thing one of these days. I've been pretty depressed the last couple days and really lacking motivation. It's just one of those times when I don't want to do anything at all. Depression sucks.