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please tell me the original song or artist's name of this music :


I found it in the game directory

Please do tell me

That's an original song that I made.

Please give me an HQ Flac version of it

Deleted 182 days ago

well... it was a strange ride, cute, but strange

i loved the femboy scenes, and the queen chibi was nice but the foxy plot twist kinda made me feel NTRed, and the end felt bittersweet

in terms of graphics it was both weird and hot, thanks for the game dude


Thank you so much for reading it and leaving a comment. I needed to read this today.


Will there be male x male scenes?


Definitely. I'm bi-sexual, so, I definitely have a thing for feminine men and something that I am passionate about is normalising gay/bi content in erotic visual novels. I know there's a lot of male x male visual novels and erotic games these days, as well as traps, futas, and sissies, but what I kinda hope changes eventually is the attitude towards them. Like, I remember the days when male x male porn games would feature the guy looking a lot like a girl and hiding the d during hentai scenes so that the comments section didn't get flooded with people complaining about the male x male stuff, and yet somehow that attitude was seen as progressive. Honestly, that was such a weird time for gay stuff because you had 'progressives' being like "Hey, I absolutely adore gay people and gay content, but you gotta hide that shit if ya don't want to be stabbed... by my knife. Look, I don't make the rules here, and I ain't no homophobe, but if ya don't wanna be stabbed by a knife, my knife, I'd better not see any peepees in my porn."

Anyways, it's an attitude I've been wanting to see in more erotic games with male x male content that the creators both aren't ashamed of male x male in their games, and wanting to base their male x male content on, well, normal gay sex portrayed in a healthy and normal way instead of the off-putting fetish stuff. It kinda feels like there's always a twist when it comes to gay content, even today, and I feel like moving forward that's something that needs to change.

That was a slightly odd tangent of me working through some issues, so, sorry about that, I tend to get carried away with these things because I'm horrendously lonely and like sharing my opinions, and debating with people.

In any case, this thing is actually pretty prominently male x male, with Babysitter's most consistent partner being Louie, a guy he met in college, and there's also a thing with a superhero named Brightwing and a prince where they enjoy stripping down to their undies in front of each other and being sexy but they both have cold feet in regards to actually having sex. There's also Eterna x Gallade, with Eterna being a character from Pet Foxes, but... that kinda isn't real, Eterna's just crazy due to the abuse he's suffered, and this Eterna isn't even the 'real' Eterna. There's a lot of male x female, too, and female x Pokemon bestiality stuff, but most of that is one-offs between characters, the male x male scenes are more recurring.

hey weird420 im bisexual myself i dont mind seeing gay stuff i mean heck i like femboys which are males in feminine clothes like u said u like to see urself 🙂, i plan on trying ur game if my google pixel 7a downloads it later today i always kept getting games i like an when i download em the file says file cant download an it says forbidden.. an im like SON OF A.. why wpnt these games download?! i got a few games so im like why do some porn ones work but some dont either??. anyways ill let u lnow later on of i can give ur game a try on my phone.

Lol, that's actually a pretty common thing with Renpy files on Android apparently. If I remember right all you need to do is rename the file so the extension is .zip but I could be wrong about it.

I am actually working on a new update for Pokemon Babysitter right now, so it's funny that you decided to pop up now. At the moment I've got about 49 images completed for the new update which should be pretty short, just wrapping things up with a happy ending. I will warn you that Pokemon Babysitter is probably one of my most surreal visual novels which you might like or dislike depending on your mindset.

If you're into guys dressing up like girls, my Pet Foxes visual novel features a decent amount of guy x guy scenes, but I'd probably recommend my newest project Werewolf Labyrinth School for femboys specifically even though it will likely not feature explicit sex it does feature nudity with Casper, who is probably the most feminine boy I've ever designed who gets into a relationship with a masculine girl. That said, if you get deep enough into Pokemon Babysitter where it becomes similar to one of those psychological 90s movies (Fight Club, Transmetropolitan, Trainspotting) you'll get to experience a really weird NSFW scene with Babysitter and a prince. 

Anyways, nice hearing from you and I hope you get a chance to play and hopefully enjoy my weird visual novels. 


Will there be human-on-pokemon or futa stuff?


There is a Pokemon-on-human scene (Umbreon x Crow), but, I haven't decided on futa stuff since I have been moving away from porn stuff lately. If I did have a futa scene in a future update, well... I did think up a scenario last night after reading a futa comic (it was a Catra comic, if you're curious) where the queen 'tortures' a girl (or another futa) who ends up liking it. 

So, like, it would be a decent bit of character development for the queen, who's pretty undeveloped right now, and it would be doing something I haven't really done (though, I do have a girl with a strap-on in Pet Foxes). But... That would probably have to wait a week or two because for the past week I've been working on a new visual novel project and slowly working on my script for Pet Foxes 2, which I want to release as a completed visual novel if possible instead of just a bunch of updates spread out over a couple months.

Ah, I'm also planning to include a Rhydon x Ashley scene in the next update, and I am considering having a scene with Mawile doing something in the future with her big mouth.


Welcome back! Glad to see you've updated.


Thank you, it means a lot to see a comment like that. It's nice to be updating again, even if it is a small one.

Can you add Vaporeon cuz of you know the Vaporeon copypasta

I could. I just thought that it was too obvious a choice for something like this.


Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you for what you've done. Drink some water and have a happy day. You've got this.


Awww, thank you. :)


Hey you added Gallade 

Good job man!



Also after paper mario i stopped playing mario games

am i on acid

Possibly. I'm not going to tell you what drugs you should or should not take, and a portion of Master Of Dragons was written while on shrooms.

Though, if you think this is weird and trippy, be prepared for the finale I have planned for the Pet Foxes update that should be up next week. It gets really surreal in a similar way to the ending of Eraserhead, then shifts into an Animal House-type ending, and I won't apologise for it.

I mean, my name is Weird420XL.

Could you add Gallade in the update?

I would be happy to do that. Someone on the Discord said that their favourite Pokemon was Psyduck, so I might add that as well.

any chance of an ivysaur at somepoint please

Possibly in the next update, though I'd have to think of how to include Ivysaur. I want to establish a formula for updates, possibly introducing 3 Pokemon in each update and ending each with what I'll call a French-style fake-out where the character 'dies' at the end of every update, then it's revealed that the main character didn't die in the next update. I forget which show it was, but there was a French show that ended pretty much every episode with a 'death', like having a house explode with the character inside, and then revealing in the next episode that the character is completely fine. So, this first version ends with the character dying of food poisoning, next opens with the character having an upset tummy.

So, with the two other requests I got (Psyduck, Gallade), the idea I have for the next update is already a little packed with new Pokemon. But, it would be cool to do something with an Ivysaur. It would definitely be fun to play with the "There are people who actually want to marry Ivysaur," meme and the tentacles/vines it has would definitely be fun to play with.

Pet Foxes will be updated first, though, then this visual novel probably a week after that, or a few days if I get a burst of energy and inspiration. The images for that update are done, I just need to add in the text and possibly get a couple new songs made for it, so it could be up today or tomorrow.

Thank you for the suggestion. I love to hear them.

alright cool thank you ivysaur was always my favorite pokemon growing up

I get that. I think that when I was younger my favourite Pokemon was Charizard in the original Red (I got it at a Salvation Army store) and I loved it so much I literally didn't use any other Pokemon, just a single over-leveled Charizard soloing the game. Years later, Goodra became my favourite Pokemon. Unfortunately, one of my sister's friends stole the game from me, he confessed to doing it and refused to give it back, and there was nothing I could do because his parents wouldn't get him to give it back, and my Dad just believed that I lost it, which was pretty heartbreaking, forming a beloved Pokemon team and having someone take it away from you and tell you that they took your team away from you.

Gonna be brutally honest, though, I marked this thing as 'complete' mainly because I don't know if I want to continue it at the moment. The interactions have been great and I've gotten a lot of followers, views, and downloads from it, but there's a strong sense that the only reason for that is because it says 'Pokemon' in the title, which is a bit depressing since the visual novel I care most about right now is Pet Foxes which I'm kinda struggling to finish. Like, I worked on it a bit, got maybe 1/8 of the way through my ending then succumbed to a serious depression that lasted the entire day that I'm still not over. There's this sense that when the ending is uploaded and I can say that it's finished that no one will care enough to leave a comment or, well, just tell me that they enjoyed it, or even that they hated it, which somehow feels even more pathetic.

Without being too dramatic I do kinda think that if I do stop being depressed in such a weird way (I was told it might be a Fear Of Finishing) about Pet Foxes, I might just stop doing visual novels in general and find something else to occupy my time.