The Lizzo Update, or, We Need To Talk About Bananas.

This update is a little grosser than other updates because of something that happens with a banana. You also get to see Cheese being her regular Cheese-self and doing Cheese things, as well as getting to see Icestar's memories and childhood home. Things get really weird with this update, so be warned.

On a side note, I wonder if Lizzo would be interested in playing Icestar/Darkstar in an Amazon Prime series or a movie based on Pet Foxes. I'm one of the few people that thought she did a good job in that infamous episode of The Mandalorian. She can clearly play a loving, nurturing character that is also very perverted, so if you get a tiny twink to play Eterna you could have a lot of fun with the idea, and I'm sure that it would be pretty successful for Amazon since gross, sexy, and cringy stuff does well on the platform.

I got a chance to talk with Manny Tearson this week and we both had a good time on Discord playing through Robot Kitty City. He pointed out a couple of mistakes that I fixed up, so after continuing the story (which might be up next week on my birthday) I'll post that and you can see the changes that were made because of him.

Oh yeah, my birthday is next Sunday, so, if you want you can wish me a happy birthday when that happens, it would mean a lot to me. Also, Manny said that 3 of his friends follow me but have never commented, and he's annoyed by that, so if you're Manny's friend and you're reading this and have been following me for a while, leave a comment.

With Love


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