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love the use of weird art. Feels very early 2000s. however, I might have misunderstood the use of 'adult' and 'erotic' was hoping for some sexy feral foxes, get that fur all nasty in the bedroom. But it wasn't really a particularly erotic experience. 

Still enjoyable though. Will keep an eye on this for future updates for sure.


Lol, the use of 'adult' and 'erotic' refers to the random pics at the end where I got, well, drained and decided to have some fun with my buddy and create a bunch of random 'sexy' artwork. What I initially did was type in stuff like "Pokimane, but as a fox," to see what would happen and I'd get someone that kinda looks like an influencer with fox ears, or fox-ear headphones. Eventually I tried "WingsOfRedemption as a fox," and... yeah, I got some something that legit made me laugh out loud.

But, the reason why I felt really drained with this was because it's actually an AI-remake of my far more popular visual novel Pet Foxes (if you play that, fair warning, people are mixed on the way I ended it with most people disliking it, so, I might release a version with a 'better' ending at some point. I wrote out a 90-page doc for Pet Foxes 2, but, I just haven't been motivated to do that). So, what I would do was have a screen open with Pet Foxes so I could go line-by-line, a screen with various AI programs that I would cycle through, and a screen with the code for AI Foxes. 

So, for basically each line of text I would need to get the line from Pet Foxes, go into the AI program, type out the prompt, wait for it to generate, download the image, put it into the visual novel, and then move on. It might not have been so tedious if I didn't switch to different programs around every 10 images or so to add some variety, but finding different AI programs, typing out all of those prompts, waiting between 90-300 seconds for each, often being bombarded with ads and some issues that arose with the programs I used... Well, let's just say that I started out being like "Haha, this is such a funny joke," but Pet Foxes has 1000 images and I was feeling really burned out on the joke at 50 images. Plus, I did actually get a lot of hate for this (which I could handle), and no one seemed to think it was very funny so I was like "Well... it's getting me a lot of views and downloads, so I'll leave it up. But, I think I'll just do other things and come back to it later."

Right now, I'm working on a new update for SHE CAME FROM ANOTHER PLANET, which will probably end the story by revealing Order Alien's origin story and what she's been doing to kill all of those people throughout the story, as well as how she was able to resurrect her friend into that big-headed monster in the last update. I also want to continue work on Pokemon Babysitter again just because I thought of a fun idea where I introduce Ditto into the story which will allow me to retcon The Death Of Pokemon Babysitter. 

Anyways, thanks for the comment, it's very much appreciated. I feel like I've been stuck in my own head too much lately, which isn't great for someone with schizophrenia because it kinda makes me prone to giving into my delusions. Like, I'm having to really catch myself lately because I've been watching Penguinz0 and Huggbees lately and being like "They're referencing me! They're following me and referencing me, but not giving me a shout-out, the bastards," and getting irrationally angry about guys who, honestly, likely don't even know that I even exist. Heck, when I was working on Master Of Dragons and experimenting with mushrooms I went through one of my phases where I think that a supernatural beast is following me. I remember that for about a year and a half I genuinely thought that a black time-travelling dragon was stalking me.

Lol, have a nice day, and thanks again for your comment.